
14 Apr

Monday in Holy Week

The theme for this week is Treasure taken from Matthew 6:19‐21. Click here to listen to the Bible reading.

Prayer before Scripture:

Be present Spirit of God as we listen to these words of Scripture.
Open our ears that we may hear the call to embody Christ to the world.
Open our minds to be challenged to new ways of thinking and being.
Open our hearts that we may be formed for mission in your world.
We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

At the end of the reading:

Whakarongo ki te kupu a te Wairua ki te Haahi.  Whakapaingia te Atua.



15 Apr

Tuesday in Holy Week

Where your treasure is, there you heart will be also. 

Treasures come in all shapes and sizes. They might be a role we hold, a relationship we have, or a particular possession.  List the things you count as ‘treasures’ in your life.  Invite God into this conversation.

Record your thoughts in your journal.

Return to your wardrobe. Take out all the clothes you haven’t worn since Lent began. Carefully consider whether you need them. Consider donating what you don’t wear or need to a charity.



16 Apr

Wednesday in Holy Week

Look back over your journal from this Lenten journey.

What is God bringing to your attention?

What are you learning about yourself and your discipleship?




17 Apr

Today, Maundy Thursday, we cross the threshold into the The Great Three Days. Notice the picture on the tile text. It is taken in Christ Church, Alfriston. Juxtaposed is a stained glass image of Jesus holding the cup at the last supper, with the glass baptismal font in front. In Mark’s Gospel Jesus asks James and John, “Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” Jesus’ question comes into sharp focus on this day.

With the busyness that comes as Holy Week progresses, it is possible to feel very crowded. We invite you to still yourself using an ancient practice called Centring Prayer. Click here to read a description of Centring Prayer.




18 Apr

Good Friday is the most holy and harrowing of days. We stand with the disciples in their fear, bewilderment and grief.

Click here to watch Divinitus, the choir of Dilworth and Diocesan Schools sing Haere Ra. This piece was written by Grace Brebner, who was at the time a student of Diocesan School for Girls.

Click here to watch a beautiful depiction of Jesus’ journey to the cross, by Dan Stevers.



19 Apr

As Christians, we know that Easter is just around the corner. But we’re not there yet.
It is very tempting to rush past Good Friday to Easter Day. Holy Saturday is characterised by silence, absence and hope. The invitation is to sit with the discomfort of all that has happened on Good Friday, with the hope of Easter as yet unrealised.

Click here to watch and listen to the Choir from Holy Trinity Cathedral sing And I saw a new Heaven by Edgar Bainton.  This piece is based on Revelation 21:1-4. You’ll find those words here.






20 Apr

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Click here to listen to the first of our resurrection narratives, read by Eleanor Calder.
It is taken from Matthew 28 and followed by some reflections on the theme of this week:
Wonder. Today we begin a gratitude practice which will go right through to
Pentecost. You will need:

  • A bunch of post-it notes, which you keep beside your bed.
  • A public place to post them – like the bathroom door, or the fridge door.
  • A reminder on your phone, set just before bedtime.

Every night from now until the end of this calendar (or beyond) take three post-it notes and write a word on each which describes something from the day for which you are grateful. Stick them somewhere public so that every time you pass that place you will be reminded of the many good things in your life. If you live in a house with others, invite them to join you in this practice.

From tomorrow this calendar will automatically redirect you to If you haven’t already watched the welcome video, you’ll find it here.