We begin our Lenten Journey by listening to Matthew 6:1-21. Listen to an Introduction which explains how we are using Bible readings through this journey. Listen to the reading and a reflection on Lent. You’ll hear the voice of Dion Fasi.
Prayer before Scripture:
Be present Spirit of God as we listen to these words of Scripture. Open our ears that we may hear the call to embody Christ to the world. Open our minds to be challenged to new ways of thinking and being. Open our hearts that we may be formed for mission in your world. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
At the end of the reading:
Whakarongo ki te kupu a te Wairua ki te Haahi. Whakapaingia te Atua.

5 Mar

6 Mar
The demands of life can sometimes seem unrelenting. It’s easy to feel out of balance. Think about the various components of your life: work/school/study, home, family, friends, faith and hobbies. Is the balance right? Lent provides an opportunity to reflect on bringing balance back. What might you need more of? Less of?
Write your reflections in your journal.

7 Mar
Go to your wardrobe and turn all your coat hangers back to front.
Over the next 6 weeks as you wear clothes and return them to your wardrobe put the hangers the right way round.
When Lent finishes you will clearly see which clothes you no longer wear. You’ll be asked to donate them to charity.

8 Mar
Find an object which you like the feel of. It might be a stone, a cross, fabric, rosary beads or a leaf from the garden.
Hold the object in your hand as you pray the prayer by Michael Leunig.
In the stillness, listen for what God might say. Record your thoughts.

Lent 1
9 Mar
Listen to an Introduction to The Examen. This will tell you all the things you need.
Click here to be led through The Examen.
Concluding Prayer:
God, you call us to serve you with all the strength we have:
you are faithful to those you call;
may Jesus’ resurrection raise us if we stumble,
the Christlight beckon us if we lose our way,
and we shall have strength once more
to walk with you to the cross.
Each Sunday the photo features a church from the Diocese. This image is from St Stephen’s Chapel in Judges Bay.