
7 Apr

The theme for this week is Fasting taken from Matthew 6:16-18. Click here to listen to the Bible reading and a reflection on fasting.
Prayer before Scripture:
Be present Spirit of God as we listen to these words of Scripture.
Open our ears that we may hear the call to embody Christ to the world.
Open our minds to be challenged to new ways of thinking and being.
Open our hearts that we may be formed for mission in your world.
We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

At the end of the reading:

Whakarongo ki te kupu a te Wairua ki te Haahi. Whakapaingia te Atua.



8 Apr

When you do your grocery shopping this week, don’t buy any food like biscuits, cake or chips.

Instead buy the ingredients to either bake or make a meal from scratch.
If you can, cook with the person who will share the food.



9 Apr

We fill our lives with so much “white noise.” Listen to this piece of worship music from St Paul’s Symond’s Street and Worship Central NZ.

Reflect on the words in your journal.



10 Apr

Technology allows us to be instantly connected.
And yet, for many of us, our closeness to community is less than ever.

Every time you think of beginning a text or instant message conversation today,
choose to call that person instead.



11 Apr

Go without sugar today. When you notice its absence, reflect on what things or people bring sweetness to your life.

Tell someone.



12 Apr

Fasting is not just about giving up a certain food group.
It can be about giving up a certain way of being.
Click here to read a blog on the Patheos site.

How might you observe the Sabbath tomorrow?



Lent 6

13 Apr

Click here to be led through The Examen.

Concluding Prayer:

God, you call us to serve you with all the strength we have:
you are faithful to those you call;
may Jesus’ resurrection raise us if we stumble,
the Christlight beckon us if we lose our way,
and we shall have strength once more
to walk with you to the cross. Amen.

Today’s image is from Kerikeri.